
January 24, 2023

ssh-add is a command for adding SSH private keys into the SSH authentication agent. In this simpliest form ssh-add can be run without any arguments in order to add the default keys (if they exist) to your ssh-agent : ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa ~/.ssh/id_ed25519, and ~/.ssh/identity :


If you have multiple keys, you can add them with the following command :

ssh-add ~/.ssh/yourSpecialKey

To list all they keys :

ssh-add -l

To remove a key :

ssh-add -d ~/.ssh/yourSepcialKey

To remove all keys :

ssh-add -D

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Written by Olivier Bonnet who lives and works in Montreal writing a blog that nobody reads 🤪...

© Bonneto 2024